Friday, July 17, 2009

Oaxaca Wanderings

I am not a patient person. While I do believe that over the years I have gotten better at delaying gratification as opposed to constantly needing the instant kind, I am not a patient person.

A case study of my choices of rental properties over the last six years of my life would reveal that I basically choose the first thing I look at, every time. As a result I have lived in some rather bizarre locations over the years. The epitomy of a suburban apartment in Renton, Washington, a high rise in Medellin, the list goes on.

Of course my impulsiveness has also always allowed me to move into an apartment or house within two or three days of beginning to look for one. So yesterday morning when I set up two appointments to view apartments in Oaxaca I figured I would be moving into one of the two by the end of the day.

But no, for once in my life I did not move into the first place I saw. Oh, I had my reasons, there was one that was advertised as 10-15 minutes from the center which then turned out to be an awkwardly uncomfortable 45 min drive out of the city just to see the place (plus return trip). The other place seemed like a promising house sharing experience, a flyer having been posted in perfect English in a coffee shop. I called the guy who posted the flyer, Karim, and set up an appointment. There was a bit of confusion when I arrived around 3 o'clock to discover that yes, there was a room to rent in the house, but no, no one named Karim lived there. Maybe I wanted to talk to Tariq? The slightly creepy 60 something year old who was going to rent us his room (I have no idea where he was going to sleep).

And so the search goes on.

1 comment:

Wandering Pugilist said...

Yup. Rocking J's is where it's at. Hopefully someone can take some solace in that. I thank you for the words. This last time out has been hard on me, for a variety of reasons, but traveling isn't always supposed to be easy now is it? I'm glad to see you're still wandering bro, and trust me, I feel the same transitions you feel as we get older, at least in our experience as travelers. Keep the dream alive man, keep wandering. As for me, I might be going back soon, scratch that, I AM going back soon, but it may be for good, at least for a while. So for a while, I'll be living vicariously through you, so make sure you make it interesting.

