Sunday, August 19, 2007

TIG (This Is Guatemala)

Two posts in one day! OK I admit it I'm bored. I am in Antigua waiting for a bus to take me to Lago de Atitlan and hae some time to kill. Antigua is awful, I strongly recommend no one ever comes here. The entire town is built on tourism, and unlike Flores which is also very touristy, Antigua is expensive, consumer driven, and has a fucking Subway. If there are two things I hate in this world they are paying too much for beer and Subway. After buying one beer my first night here I decided to boycott Antigua and refused to either go to bars, or eat at any restraunt that was not attached to wheels. I met an American couple here on holiday who were spending $125.00 a night for their hotel room! People are driving Mercedes, Land Rovers, and get this, a fucking H2. So actually I hate three things because I really really really hate people who drive H2s (especially in Guatemala). OK enough ranting about the evils of Antigua, below is a short list of the things I love most about Guatemala.

1. The People. OK I had one bad experience on a bus, but I am convinced the Israeli I was traveling with was being rude to someone when I was out trying to find another bus. I will get into another rant about rude travelers at another time, but I digress. Everyone here is super friendly and some of the best times I have had so far have been with people I meet on the chicken buses. It is so cool to get off the beaten path and meet people who are just plain nice. Hey everyone in Seattle, why don't you try this for a while (no one in Seattle ever invites you to join them if you are sitting alone, here everyone does).

2. The Country. Wow is it ever beautiful. I don't really know what else to say...just WOW!!

3. The Pace of Life. Buses breakdown, roads wash out, and floods happen. No ones pulse ever gets above 60. SO RELAXING!!!!!

4. Two dollar meals that are DELICIOUS and HEALTHY!

Hmmm there are more but I need to go catch that bus...


Anonymous said...


More great posts. I'm looking forward to hearing about Lago de Atitlan. It looks stunning!

I'm sure you'll get that free beer at some point, you just never know when.

Oh yes, drop the f word from your posts,



DeAnn said...

Hee hee, your dad e-scolded you (way to go, August's dad!). I concur that you should drop English vulgarities, though in replacement with cuss words used in the countries you are travelling in! So we all learn. =) But really, it's great to read about your adventures (except maybe those of the digestive variety - oh, the joys of travel). Next time loneliness hits you, which it inevitably will despite how many things you do or people you meet, think of us schleps doing the daily grind in Seattle. It's raining today, in friggin AUGUST. Bleah.